Aztec Temple Corner Walls (Plus Some Life & Other Distractions Stuff Added In)

This blog is titled “Life, Golf, Miniatures, and Other Distractions” – and it’s not often that it’s about anything but miniatures. This post will definitely concern miniatures – but as the title suggests, a few other things are going to get added in after the miniature stuff.

Why you ask? Well, the long and short of my current predicament is that a member of my household is near the end, and I need to deal with the ramifications of that. It’s sad, but it’s time.

Oh, sorry, not a person, it’s my PC that is on its last legs – and it is already quite legless.

My PC has had multiple thermal shutdowns over the last few weeks – while in sleep mode! Argh! I decided that I would need to get a new desktop before I lose all my hobby work (plus everything else that is on the thing). I prefer a PC over a laptop, though I still look at WordPress on my iPhone and my iPad. I just compose on a PC. Anyways, I will be without a computer shortly – so I needed to get a post in. Therefore this post will cover some miniature stuff first and some fun (I think) extras – I hope that they will be somewhat interesting for you.

Plus, this is my largest list of hashtags ever (I think so anyways).

In my last post, as part of “Mark’s Aztec Building Challenge Contest” (which you should enter soon by the way!) I discussed how I assembled and painted 8 Temple Columns for my Aztec games of Feudal Patrol using my Civilizations Collide supplement.  I had moved onto the MDF kits over my resin stuff as temperatures had been too cold here in Massachusetts to use rattlecans to prime outside. I truly enjoyed building and painting the MDF of my last post, and I certainly still have a love for using chinchilla dust.

My next MDF effort would be two kits of the “Temple Corner Walls” – from Things From the Basement via 4Ground via Badger Games (see it here). Each kit had one square pillar-like structure and two walls – six in total. The kits are very nice and pretty easy to work with in my opinion. I basically used the second approach from last time – assemble first, then dust up with the chinchilla dust and paint them.

An example of one kit out of the bag after cleaning it off with a moist microfiber cloth.
I have found with these MDF kits that it helps to dry fit first and organize the parts. Here you also see that I put an “up” arrow on the inside of the walls to help make sure that I did not assemble anything upside down.
I assembled the wall sections first and let the PVA dry overnight.
The next day, I added steel washers as weight to get the wall tops to glue flush to the previous step’s work. Then I glued to the bases (with the weights again).
All of the “Temple Corner Walls” assembled and ready to get dusted up and painted.
Here you see my early dry brushing after dusting – I use three colors to dry brush. I decided to paint the triangles in a red, black, and yellow pattern. You can see the paints that I used at the very end of this post.
After I dry brushed the structures, I toned down the dry brushing with Army Painter “Light Tone”. Between the “thirst” of both the MDF and the chinchilla dust, I ended up using the better part of two bottles of the AP tone. Here, these are all complete.

I tried to use my spray booth again for some shots here but I did get some weird shadows and alternatively unwanted shine that I did not like. So I went with what you see below. I’ll need to investigate a light box (maybe).

Here you see a fight among the “Temple Column Walls” (this post) and the “Temple Columns” (from my last post) between a squad of Conquistadores (and a wardog) against an Aztec squad and a supporting warrior priest. I think that I was successful at getting all to blend in well.

So, the Temple Corner Wall structures of this post are part of two “challenges”. The first is mine as mentioned earlier – “Mark’s Aztec Building Challenge Contest” – in which I will give away free prizes to blog followers for being the closest to guess how long it will take me to finish all these buildings. The second is from Ann’s Immaterium, and is called Ann’s “Paint the Crap You Already Own” challenge. These definitely count there – and I hope there will be more for this April challenge.

I have ordered some more “Light Tone” – and with my remaining MDF I’ll need it. In the meantime, as an update – it warmed up here this week so I was also able to get my outside priming done – see below!

I was able to prime this week! I can now vary what I decide to complete.

I also am planning an update to my Civilizations Collide supplement, which will have rules for the falconet and some new scenarios (in addition to an overall update). So that might slow up my progress, as also golf might (haven’t played yet this year though). I also have been – wait for it – GAMING!

Well, remotely anyways. I was lucky enough to play in a Combat PatrolTM game last Saturday via Zoom with Sally4th’s Chris Abbey. Chris (in the UK) set up a James Bond game based on the 1977 film The Spy Who Loved Me that he called “Nobody Does it Better” (Carly Simon song of the movie). It featured the scene in the bad guy’s (Stromberg) supertanker interior hold (that held a captured US sub). The action focused on the scene where escaping British, Russian, and American crews fight the Stromberg goons to stop a nuclear launch. We had US and UK players – and I had James Bond. Our objective was to advance up the gantry and throw a satchel charge at the control room doors and blow it open. We had a lot of twists and turns in the game – James Bond’s satchel charge misfired, and so did a Stromberg flamethrower that would have fried him. A last second satchel charge throw from the Americans missed, but the explosive charge slid up to the door and blew it! Success! Notably, I had invited our blogger buddy TIM who got to watch the game – and it was fun to share the experience with him.

Take a look at the tabletop below – amazing!

The tabletop before the game.
Chris Abbey GM’s the game exceptionally well. We were moving up the gantry on the left – the control room was in the center of the far end.

I also had two other nice surprises. The first was in the mail from Buck Surdu – who sent me a couple of Wars of Ozz shirts. I did get in the Kickstarter for it (and the figures are available from Sally 4th and Old Glory in the US) -and the next project I plan to do is paint these figures.

The second surprise came in our local weekly newspaper (see below). I’ll let Andy Newton’s words speak for themselves, but given the last few months, this was a heartwarming bonus for us.

From The Spencer New Leader

And though my computer is a problem, I did get the email from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that has allowed me and my wife to get our first “jabs” this weekend! Take that COVID-19!

So, until my computer situation is better – I’ll be painting and following up on my iPad. Maybe I’ll be back this weekend – in any case, let’s discuss this post! So feel free to let me know your thoughts and comment – and to enter the contest. Take care all and thanks for looking!

Miscellaneous details and references for those interested in that sort of thing:

Previous posts on games, units, and other projects for my 16th Century Spanish Conquest supplement for Feudal Patrol™ – “Civilizations Collide”

  1. Aztec Temple Corner Walls (Plus Some Life & Other Distractions Stuff Added In) (this post)
  2. Aztec Temple Columns and My New Love for Chinchilla Dust
  3. Mark’s Aztec Building Challenge Contest
  4. Game Aids and Tools for Feudal Patrol games using the Civilizations Collide Supplement
  5. And the Winners of “Mark’s Conquistador Contest” are…
  6. Conquistador Cavalry. 24 figures total: Outpost Wargame Services #CON5 “Conquistador Cavalry in light armour 1” (4 horses & 4 riders); Outpost Wargame Services #CON6 “Conquistador Cavalry in full armour” (4 horses & 4 riders); Eureka Miniatures “Moving Horses” #100ANM05 (8 horses used as casualty markers).
  7. Conquistador Falconet and Crew (Artillery). 3 figures total: Outpost Wargame Services #CONA1 “Falconet and Crew”.
  8. More Conquistador Sword and Buckler Men. 8 figures total Outpost Wargame Services #CON001 “Sword and Buckler Men”.
  9. Conquistador Sword and Buckler Men (Wargames Foundry). 18 figures total in three blister packs: Wargames Foundry #SB015 “Swaggering Swordsmen”, #SB016 “Brutal Sword and Buckler Men”, and #SB017 “Bold Bladesmen”.
  10. Perro de Guerra (Conquistador War Dogs). 13 figures total: Outpost Wargames Services #CONS6 “War Dogs” (8 war dogs); Eureka #100CON13 “Dog Handler and Dogs” (1 dog handler/pikeman and 4 war dogs)
  11. Conquistador Foot Command, Crossbowmen, and a Couple of Officers. 11 figures total: Outpost Wargames Services #CONC1 “Conquistador Foot Command” (a leader, a banner bearer, a drummer, and a bugler); Eureka #100CON04 “Crossbowmen” (5 crossbowmen); and Eureka CONC1 “Conquistador Officer” and an unknown SKU officer (2 officers)
  12. Merciless Adventurers (this post) – Wargames Foundry #SB014 (6 Conquistadores with arquebuses)
  13. Audacious Arquebusiers! – Wargames Foundry #SB012 (6 Conquistadores with arquebuses)
  14. Mark’s Conquistador Contest – for my loyal blog followers!
  15. Montezuma and Chieftains – Wargames Foundry #AZ011 for Feudal Patrol – 6 Aztec figures (Montezuma, 4 Chieftains, 1 Warrior Priest)
  16. Aztec Shock Troops – Cuachic Warriors aka The Shorn Ones – 8 Aztec cuachicqueh warriors
  17. Tloxtoxl and the Priests of the Great Temple, Wargames Foundry AZ021 – 2 warrior priests, 1 priestess, 1 priest, 1 leader, and 1 signaler
  18. Civilizations Collide – The Wars of the Aztecs, the Inca, the Maya, and the Conquistadores is now available as a FREE Download for Feudal Patrol™ – plus a Feudal Patrol™ review!
  19. 18 Aztec Novice Warriors for Feudal Patrol Walk into a Bar – 18 Novice Warriors
  20. Aztec Warrior Priests (painted as Tlaxcalans), Ral Partha 42-302, circa 1988 (this post) – 6 figures – 6 Tlaxcalan Warrior Priests
  21. Tlaxcalan Novices, Elite Warriors, and Command Group – 18 figures – 8 Novice Tlaxcalan Warriors, 8 Elite Tlaxcalan Warriors, 1 Tlaxcalan Captain, 1 Tlaxcalan Conch Blower
  22. Tlaxcalan Archers – 8 Veteran Tlaxcalan Archers
  23. Aztec Game for Feudal Patrol across thousands of miles – via Zoom!
  24. Aztec Snake Woman and Drummer – 1 Aztec General, 1 Aztec Drummer
  25. A June and July Jaguar Warrior Frenzy (plus some Aztec Veterans and a Warrior Priest to Boot) – 3 Aztec Veteran Warriors, 17 Jaguar Warriors, 1 Aztec Warrior Priest
  26. Doubling Down – Aztec Veteran Warriors – 24 Aztec Veteran Warriors
  27. Aztec Arrow Knights, Ral Partha circa 1988 – 6 Aztec Arrow Knights
  28. Aztec Eagle Warriors from Tin Soldier UK – 6 Aztec Eagle Knights
  29. Aztec Novice Warriors and a few Frinx – 12 Novice Warriors


  1. Elmer’s PVA Glue
  2. Poster tack
  3. Plastic Plates
  4. All Living Things Dry Dust Bath (chinchilla dust)
  5. Vallejo “Flow Improver”
  6. Vallejo “Airbrush Thinner”
  7. Vallejo Model Air “Sand (Ivory)”
  8. Vallejo Model Color “Dark Sand”
  9. Citadel “Ushabti Bone”
  10. DecoArt “Buttermilk”
  11. Vallejo Model Color “Red”
  12. Americana “Kelley Green”
  13. Craftsmart “Black”
  14. Citadel “Yriel Yellow”
  15. Army Painter “Light Tone” (wash)
  16. Vallejo Game Air “Desert Yellow”

Author: Mark A. Morin

This site is where I will discuss stuff that I find interesting and that includes family, friends, golf, gaming, and Boston sports!

34 thoughts on “Aztec Temple Corner Walls (Plus Some Life & Other Distractions Stuff Added In)”

  1. Congrats on getting your jabs, the nice plug in the paper, and getting more of your terrain done. I think you have really nailed the chinchilla dust texturing and it is looking great. So maybe the downtime while you wait for the new family member might be time for some golf? You know, just to fully honour your blog title. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Anthony, and I am looking forward to golf. Usually I feel like after our extended cold period (usually we stop playing in early November at best, and start back in April or late March) that I no longer remember how to swing a club correctly every new season. I would have been hitting the range already but until recently it’s been too cold. And in my mind if I was too get too active unnecessarily (before I could get my jab) around strangers that I’d screw myself over and get sick. Probably not, but still, I want to get going with lessons and get my handicap down. And finish my minis!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. The buildings look great Mark and I can see why you are pleased with them, very nice indeed. Nice article by Andrew Newton too. I think all of us ever ask for is to be appreciated from time to time so words like that count for a great deal in my book. Thanks again for the invite to the game, as I said previously, it was interesting to watch. Good luck getting the computer sorted. I still cannot get my head around the fact that some people find replacing and upgrading kit as fun whereas is fills me with dread! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Cheers TIM! I agree, and given that the normal flurry of letters to the editor is quite contentious these days, it was a nice change. It really made the senior center ladies very happy, and without them none of our efforts would have mattered. Appreciation in a public forum is rare indeed. As for the computer, my dread would be having it die before I could have a successful transition and losing my files.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Great work on the walls Mark, they look very effective. What an epic looking game you got to take part in, awesome looking board.
    Wonderful article and sounds like the whole team are doing an excellent job, and great news on getting your first jab.
    Cool T-Shirts, and a great gift

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Neat mate, love the walls and the little huts,The only problem we have in Auss is we don’t have any Chinchilla dust! plenty of bullshit but no dust ! tell me mate what is it ? I have heard Dave, TIM talk of it but cant see the connection between to the USA (dusty) and the UK ( f..G damp) please enlighten me!!.
    Please give my regards to Cesar from a fellow Auss. It twas just the other day I was talking to one of our new neighbors and he said that his cockatoo had just passed away aged fifty two !! who would believe it eh!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks Pat and our resident Aussie Caesar will be 27 in June. The world record for them is 35, so they don’t live as long as their cockatoo cousins. I hope he has a long bit to go, but as we golfers say, he is, as we are mathematically, on the back nine. Still, he’ll be the last pet as another one might very well last into our 80’s. We love him, but having one does restrict your travel a bit. He needs attention and there are no kennels for birds. So we’re blessed with him for now. If you ever get any pics of cockatiels in the wild I’d love to see them on your blog Pat. And 52 years is a long time, so sorry for the owner, they become a big part of your life and family. As for the chinchilla dust, you need to go to a pet supply store. Gerbils and chinchillas and similar take a dry dust bath, not a watery one, and this is the stuff.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Sorry Mark but I don’t think I have seen any cockatiels in Auss , that sounds strange but when you mentioned it I can only recall my cousin have some and that was back in the seventies🤔I have some photos of cockatoos I took the other week if that’s any compensation😉. We can’t have Chinchillas , hamsters 🐹 or Gerbils here as the are considered a danger to other wildlife so I guess there will be no chinchilla dust available . Funny though we have a town in Queensland called Chinchilla🧐

        Liked by 1 person

          1. They are a grind feeding bird so they usually found inland on what I think you would call a prairie 🤔the area I posted photos of earlier on would be where you find them . Thanks for the link mate will check it out😊

            Liked by 1 person

  5. Those pieces look great — thanks to your last post I’ve picked up some chinchilla dust from Amazon (the look on my girlfriend’s face when I opened the box was superb!) and will be using it when I come to do my MDF building.

    That letter to the paper is a great tribute to your efforts! Well done on getting your first jab; mine’s booked for April 20.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ooh, I am excited to see what you do with it! Good luck with your jab. I got the Pfizer today and it was uneventful, though my arm is a bit sore. And I hope you can jump in on my contest too, love to have you in it!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. The terrain looks great and I’m really happy you got some gaming in. That looks like a really fun game to be a part of! Did you see that 4ground shared your recent Aztec terrain work? I saw it and was like, hey, I know that guy! That is a pretty big accomplishment and something to be proud of. I wish you good luck in PC shopping as well. I prefer to use my PC for a lot of things too and have never owned a laptop personally so its always nice to hear of other people who have similar taste.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks Kuribo and this was a pleasant surprise to me to find my post on 4ground’s Facebook page! I did not know so thank you for the heads up, it’s very nice to see your work shared like this. Again, much thanks! And without TIM it never would have happened.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Very happy to bring it to your attention! I was thinking about TIM’s contribution last night and I feel it is something for all of us to be proud of since we all lift each other up in this blogging community, though obviously you and TIM should be most proud of the accomplishment 🙂

        Liked by 3 people

  7. Great post Mark. Sorry to hear about the PC. Will you get an off the shelf one or build your own?

    The scenery is coming along great- really looks good. The chinchila dust over everything does produce a great effect.

    That game looked like it was fun. The board is very impressive. What were the forces on each side?

    Great news about the Covid jab too. Can’t go wrong with that kind of mention in the local press too. Well done.



    Liked by 3 people

  8. Well first up congrats on the local celeb status! and good to hear you’ve got you jabs, I have my second one week after next. That 007 game looked epic! (and my fave of the films too!). Cool shirts too 😉, nice give from Buck (though he’s probably shrewdly realised all the free advertising he’ll get from you in them 😁).

    I know what a pain in the bum it is when your PC dies, I went through that a few years back, I too prefer my PC to a laptop, oh and yes some nice walls too (nearly forgot what this blog was about for a second there!

    Cheers Roger.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Thanks Roger, and Chris Abbey mentioned that potentially he’ll be offering for sale up the entire Terrain set for the 007 game at Sally4th. Don’t know if it will be available soon, but I’d be tempted. I loved that movie too, and the Carly Simon theme song was a big hit. Glad to hear you’re getting your jabs, the last year has been tough for all and we need so badly to return to normalcy. The generosity of Buck and Andy (the letter writer) are both nice signs that the world isn’t totally screwed yet. The PC scene is back now, but running the wires (amid the dust of the old hidden wires) was a nightmare I hope not to repeat until I’m well into my 60’s. And oh yeah, glad ya liked the walls. Thanks to Kuribo I learned that 4ground liked them too and posted them on their Facebook page which had me, as you say, “chuffed” (and writing this makes me laugh !)

    All the best Roger!


  10. Hey Mark! Thought I’d already replied to this, I may have done the “forgot to hit send” thing – but anyway – congrtats on both the local acknowledgement and now on the 4Ground acknowledgement as well!
    Your Aztec terrain continues to look amazing, as does that game setup with the sub! Wow!
    As for the PC, have a think about what you need. Maybe even an AIO (all-in-one) might be worthwhile? There are some quite good ones these days from Dell and HP. And then you can start slowly moving onto 3d printing terrain… 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. First, much thanks, I’m still buried with blogging backlog too. I think 3D printing is not in my near future. I ended up with an HP desktop with all my old files so that’s good. Glad you’re enjoying my terrain, as I really am enjoying yours.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. That’s a heck of a board! Such an iconic movie set, and sounds like a fun game to play. Those new Aztec wall pieces look great, also. Keep it up and you will have the whole of Tenochtitlan.

    Liked by 1 person

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