Audacious Arquebusiers!

Finally I have finished my first group of Conquistadores for Feudal PatrolTM. These are a group of six 28mm figures from Wargames Foundry armed with arquebuses (hence they are called arquebusiers). The figures were sculpted by Mark Copplestone and are really nice. I got them from Badger Games. For once, I did not need to paint or assemble any extras like shields or banners!

I will use them in Feudal PatrolTM games using the supplement I wrote for the Spanish Conquest called Civilizations Collide. Firearms in Mesoamerica were subject to some tough conditions climactically and also there was the issue of powder and ammunition supply. In the game, arquebus fire does create a bit of panic on the receiving end, but the weapons can misfire and be put out of action for the duration of the game (or even put the firer out of action with an explosion).

Arquebuses were used by many armies. The Spanish used them extensively in the 15th and 16th Centuries, notably in the Renaissance Italian Wars, and the Spanish Conquest. They were the first reasonably portable shoulder-fired firearm used. Arquebuses were complex to fire, and could misfire or even as previously stated – actually explode in the bearer’s face. However, it was easier to arm and to train troops with an arquebus than with a crossbow. The addition of a serpentine firing device to arquebuses led to the type sometimes being called a matchlock. Once volley fire tactics were developed, the use of the crossbow was eclipsed, though clearly there was a period of overlap – particularly during the Spanish Conquest.

For those of you in the “Mark’s Conquistador Contest” (which is still open if you want to try to win some free – yes free – miniatures), this is six down, and 83 more to go! Entry is still open until Jan 2, 2021 – so click the link, check it out, and join in!

These were great fun to paint – and I still got to use a bit of color on them. From Steven’s Balagan blog, Osprey books, and good old Google, I got some decent concepts on historically-appropriate painting schemes. Apparently there was some grubbiness to them – but surprisingly, also some style and panache. I designated these arquebus-armed Conquistadores as CAB1 to CAB6. Check them out below, and click on any of the images for a larger view!


This was the first figure that I tried to paint stripes on the hose. It was a new challenge, but I think it came out all right for the tabletop.


The blister pack I got had two of the same pose (erroneously) – this is the same pose as CAB1 but I used a different color scheme (sort of reversed).


This guy looks ready for action – a real veteran.


This Conquistador was the grubbiest-looking of the lot, so I gave him a grungy-look to his leather armor. He has also adopted native footwear – Aztec style sandals.


This Conquistador has also adopted native sandals – and he has red pants anyways (just in time for Christmas!)


For the first time in months, I got to use a shade of purple – in this case on his blouse. No purple on Aztecs! Apparently some of the Conquistadores liked a plum-like shade (some style from Italian campaigns maybe?). Also, to vary the leather browns on armor, I actually used a dark flesh tone (“Gulliman Flesh”) on the kilt. I think it worked.


Definitely “Audacious Arquebusiers”

I hope you enjoyed this post – and I’m off to paint the next group! Six down, 83 to go! Merry Christmas to you all and stay safe!

Miscellaneous details and references for those interested in that sort of thing:

Posts on games, units, and other projects for my 16th Century Spanish Conquest supplement for Feudal Patrol™ – “Civilizations Collide”

  1. Audacious Arquebusiers! (this post) – Wargames Foundry #SB012 (6 Conquistadores with arquebuses)
  2. Mark’s Conquistador Contest – for my loyal blog followers!
  3. Montezuma and Chieftains – Wargames Foundry #AZ011 for Feudal Patrol – 6 Aztec figures (Montezuma, 4 Chieftains, 1 Warrior Priest)
  4. Aztec Shock Troops – Cuachic Warriors aka The Shorn Ones – 8 Aztec cuachicqueh warriors
  5. Tloxtoxl and the Priests of the Great Temple, Wargames Foundry AZ021 – 2 warrior priests, 1 priestess, 1 priest, 1 leader, and 1 signaler
  6. Civilizations Collide – The Wars of the Aztecs, the Inca, the Maya, and the Conquistadores is now available as a FREE Download for Feudal Patrol™ – plus a Feudal Patrol™ review!
  7. 18 Aztec Novice Warriors for Feudal Patrol Walk into a Bar – 18 Novice Warriors
  8. Aztec Warrior Priests (painted as Tlaxcalans), Ral Partha 42-302, circa 1988 (this post) – 6 figures – 6 Tlaxcalan Warrior Priests
  9. Tlaxcalan Novices, Elite Warriors, and Command Group – 18 figures – 8 Novice Tlaxcalan Warriors, 8 Elite Tlaxcalan Warriors, 1 Tlaxcalan Captain, 1 Tlaxcalan Conch Blower
  10. Tlaxcalan Archers – 8 Veteran Tlaxcalan Archers
  11. Aztec Game for Feudal Patrol across thousands of miles – via Zoom!
  12. Aztec Snake Woman and Drummer – 1 Aztec General, 1 Aztec Drummer
  13. A June and July Jaguar Warrior Frenzy (plus some Aztec Veterans and a Warrior Priest to Boot) – 3 Aztec Veteran Warriors, 17 Jaguar Warriors, 1 Aztec Warrior Priest
  14. Doubling Down – Aztec Veteran Warriors – 24 Aztec Veteran Warriors
  15. Aztec Arrow Knights, Ral Partha circa 1988 – 6 Aztec Arrow Knights
  16. Aztec Eagle Warriors from Tin Soldier UK – 6 Aztec Eagle Knights
  17. Aztec Novice Warriors and a few Frinx – 12 Novice Warriors

Total figures completed to date for this project: 147 figures:  109 Aztecs, 32 Tlaxcalans, 6 Spanish Conquistadores


  1. Gorilla Glue
  2. 1/8″ x 1″ Everbilt Fender Washers
  3. Poster tack
  4. Vallejo “Surface Primer – White Primer”
  5. Vallejo “Flow Improver”
  6. Vallejo “Airbrush Thinner”
  7. Testors “Universal Acrylic Thinner”
  8. Citadel “Nuln Oil” (wash)
  9. Army Painter “Tanned Flesh”
  10. Citadel “Runefang Steel”
  11. Citadel “Ironbreaker”
  12. Citadel “Contrast Paint – Snakebite Leather”
  13. Citadel “Contrast Paint – Skeleton Horde”
  14. Citadel “Contrast Paint – Cygor Brown”
  15. Vallejo Mecha Color “Dark Steel”
  16. Vallejo Model Color “Vermilion”
  17. Vallejo Model Air “Weiss” (off-white)
  18. Citadel “Nuln Oil GLOSS” (wash)
  19. Vallejo Model Air “Bright Brass”
  20. Vallejo Game Air “Black”
  21. Vallejo Model Air “Armour Brown”
  22. Vallejo Game Color “Bronze Fleshtone”
  23. Vallejo Model Color “Sunny Skin Tone”
  24. Army Painter “Flesh Wash” (wash)
  25. Citadel “Contrast Paint – Dark Angels Green”
  26. Army Painter “Red Tone”
  27. Citadel “Coelia Greenshade” (wash)
  28. Citadel “Contrast Paint – Black Templar”
  29. Citadel “Contrast Paint – Gore-Grunta Fur”
  30. Citadel “Contrast Paint – Gulliman Flesh”
  31. Citadel “Contrast Paint – Magos Purple”
  32. Secret Weapon Washes “Armor Wash” (wash)
  33. Citadel “Agrax Earthshade” (shade)
  34. Army Painter “Purple Tone”
  35. Battlefront “Flat Earth”
  36. Citadel “Contrast Paint – Apothecary White”
  37. Vallejo “Gloss Varnish”
  38. Elmer’s PVA Glue
  39. Army Painter “Brown Battlefields” (flocking)
  40. Vallejo “Dark Yellow Ochre” (pigment)
  41. Vallejo “Burnt Umber” (pigment)
  42. Citadel “Steel Legion Drab”
  43. Citadel “Tallarn Sand”
  44. Citadel “Karak Stone”
  45. Americana “Desert Sand”
  46. Vallejo Mecha Varnish “Matt Varnish”
  47. Army Painter “Grass Green” (flocking)

Author: Mark A. Morin

This site is where I will discuss stuff that I find interesting and that includes family, friends, golf, gaming, and Boston sports!

44 thoughts on “Audacious Arquebusiers!”

  1. A good start, Mark! 🙂 These look great! Could you try and incorporate more stripes and complicated bits to paint so it slows you down a bit and keeps me in with a chance of winning the competition! 😉 I like all of the above and can’t really pick a favourite!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks John, but no shields here and some will be easier than others (like dying horses and some wardogs!) Right now the spread is close to 70 days from the mean so it’s anybody’s game – just (for fun) hoping for more entries!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Excellent results. I think the striped pants a re a great choice and really add interest. The stripes are also well done. If you paint such pants again you can try to highlight the mid section of each stripe to make them pop even more, but they look good as is.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks much and that was something I am considering for the next group. I do have many to go (not all have hose)The stripes are quite narrow but I think I could use my 0000 Windsor brush to do that. I’ll be mixing up the colors too, using some darker stripes additionally. As I worked through the Aztecs I found I could get better, and that’s my plan here too.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Off to a cracking start Mark, if you want to shade or highlight the lighter colour on the hose I find the easiest way is to paint them as you normally would if you were doing just one colour ( shade and highlight) then add the dark stripe afterwards( especially black) which will need little to no highlighting.
    The metal work looks spot on as does the grunginess of them.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Dave, funny enough I basically painted the hose off white, then added the stripes and cleaned up with off white again followed by a touch up of the striping color, then added shade in certain crevices. It was fun to do metal again that was not gold! App the feedback Dave!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Dave and as I was attempting to paint the stripes I was thinking of your sterling efforts (what other types of effort would a Brit have 😁 btw?) on your killer clown. Like the Aztec shields, I think I’ll have a lot of opportunities to try a lot of different colors and patterns. Saw your PM put you guys back in lockdown, that sucks. Try to have a great Christmas nonetheless- and keep making magic on your hobby bench! As you all say, Cheers!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes the lockdown is a disappointment but given the way people have been behaving it has come as no surprise. All in all it is a small price to pay if the vaccine is only a few months away. I’m sure we will make the most of it. Merry Christmas to you and your family. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Rog, though some are mostly without pants. Just some fancy hose and codpieces! But hey, we call that going commando Over here! These are my first from Copplestone, (and not my last) so I’m happy about that. All the best – and may your lockdown be brief.


  4. I forgot to leave a comment earlier when I followed you but once I stumbled onto your site, I was impressed by the painting and subjects I’m not very knowledgeable about so I knew it was well-worth keeping an eye on. These Arquebusiers look awesome and are a really cool subject for wargaming. Exploring any conflict between the Spanish forces and natives sounds pretty interesting to me! I look forward to seeing lots more content like this in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Kuribo! Really happy to have you here. I have been working on this project since March, including writing a supplement for Feudal Patrol for the period. The supplement is a free download and has a historical summary at the start that you might find interesting I have a lot of posts and show my progress on Aztec, Tlaxcalan, and now Spanish forces. I really enjoyed learning about the period, it’s a fascinating chapter in history.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I gave the rules a quick flip through and they look very impressive to me. I commend your effort on such an ambitious project! I will try to catch up on this project and learn more about it over the holiday break as it is fascinating.

        Liked by 1 person

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