General Zephaph the Skull Crusher & his Standard Bearer (Wars of Ozz)

Winkies are the orc analogues of the world of Ozz. I have not recently added any Winkie units to that faction’s forces – in fact not since last March July when I finished up the Winkie Light Cavalry (on carniverous giant birds called Zilks). My current Winkie forces have been adequate up until recently. My forces are composed of 43 points worth as listed below.

  1. Winkie Infantry Regiment – 5 points
  2. Winkie Sharpshooters Regiment – 6 points
  3. Winkie Light Cavalry Riding Zilks – 5 points
  4. Winkie Light Artillery Battery – 4 points
  5. Great Flying Apes Regiment – 6 points
  6. Lesser Apes Regiment – 4 points
  7. 1st Skeleton Regiment – 5 points
  8. 2nd Skeleton Regiment – 5 points
  9. Evora the Witch – 3 points
  10. Unnamed Brigade commander – 0 points (free!)

As I mentioned in my last post, for the most part, most brigades in the Wars of Ozz are 20-30 points. As with my Munchkin additions, I have decided to get to the point where I could field two full Winkie brigades. This means that I would need to add more troops and field another Brigade commander – especially if I could also use that commander as a Division or Army Commander for the Winkies. Currently, I only have the one unnamed brigade commander. So that I can deploy two full Winkie brigades, I have started to build:

  1. Evora’s Body Guard with Command – 6 points
  2. Winkie Medium Artillery – 5 points
  3. General Zephaph the Skull Crusher – 2 points
  4. Taskmaster and the Summoning Bell – 3 points
  5. 8 Lesser witches (these could go to any faction, at 2 each = 16 points)

This would give me more troops, but the Winkie leadership deficit remains. When I built my Winkie Infantry Regiment, the baggie was missing a single standard bearer. Russ Dunaway of Old Glory was decent enough to replace the figure for me. Then about two weeks later, a second standard bearer showed up in the mail. I guess maybe he wanted to make sure I got the missing figure – but now I had an extra. As I thought about getting annother figure to act as a brigade or army commander, I thought “wouldn’t it be cool to have a standard bearer for an army commander?”. I could base two figures on an MDF base as an army commander – all I needed was a Winkie figure and an army banner. For the latter, thanks to Buck Surdu, who created an Army banner with an “E” for Evora the Witch on it (Empress of the Winkies), and for the former…

Enter General Zephaph the Skull Crusher, SKU# OZZ-312, worth 2 points. It is a nice bulky figure, looking very much as one would expect from a Winkie general. He is armed with a massive mace, and has a huge bulky hat and appropriate clothes. The figure is cast in metal and 28mm in size. In the game, he would be based on his own individual MDF leader base, but I did add the standard bearer. No assembly was required other than for the MDF base.

Brigade leaders control dice pools for their units. General Zephaph has no combat values other than what he can do if he is attached to a unit. Here, he gives an attached unit two abilities – first, Superior Resolve (which means that the unit would be less likely to cut and run away from a fight) and second, one ability that is determined at random in each game. This is why he costs 2 points. His luck is 7/10, which is average for most leaders.

WIP Shots

As I followed the same basic painting pattern that I usually use, WIP shots here will be few. I used a lot of yellows, as that is the Winkie faction’s color.

Starting off- two figures and an MDF base.
Clean up any mold lines and flash (there were very few issues), and mount for painting.
Prime in white, wash with a dark wash, then dry brush in white before adding any other colors.
All painted up and ready for varnishing, basing, and flocking.

I now can share some…

Eye Candy

A topside rear view showing the data placard and the banner. I extended out the pendraken die frame with a little extra MDF.
The view of the stand from the front. The general’s face is pretty well obscured by his hat!
Right front view of the base. Yes – those are yellow flowers for the Winkie general.
Right side view showing the big banner that Buck designed – I really like it.
Angled view of the back showing some more details.

As a bonus, here is the general at the last game – being defeated by Colonel Sourdough (played by Mike as you see below).

Mike (the Munchkin player with Colonel Sourdough) watches General Zephaph (played by Brad) on the hill as he leads the assault on the Munchkins. It would not go well for the Winkies.

That’s all I have for Genearl Zephaph the Skull Crusher. Thanks to Russ and to Buck for making this possible! I may add another Winkie Brigade/Army leader in the future, but for now I will be set.

Next up I will be sharing several Lesser Witches who could be part of any faction’s forces.

And yes, I still have more Ozz to come…

Miscellaneous details and references for those interested in that sort of thing:

For all of my previous posts on Wars of Ozz games, figures, units, and other related projects – please see this page.


  1. Round MDF base from Old Glory
  2. 1.25″ x 1″ square steel base from Wargames Accessories (#FOW1)
  3. Elmer’s PVA Glue
  4. 3/4″ Everbilt steel washer
  5. Poster tack
  6. Vallejo Premium Primer “White”
  7. Vallejo “Flow Improver”
  8. Vallejo “Airbrush Thinner”
  9. Secret Weapon Washes “Heavy Body Black” (wash)
  10. Vallejo Model Color “White”
  11. P3 “Brown Ink” (ink)
  12. Vallejo Model Air “Gun Metal”
  13. Citadel “Contrast Paint – Ork Skin”
  14. Citadel “Contrast Paint – Ironjawz Yellow”
  15. Citadel “The Fang”
  16. Citadel “Contrast Paint – Nazdreg Yellow”
  17. Army Painter “Speed Paint – Dark Wood 2.0”
  18. Army Painter “Speed Paint – Runic Grey 1.0”
  19. Army Painter “Speed Paint – Glittering Loot 2.0”
  20. Army Painter “Speed Paint – Poppy Red 2.0”
  21. P3 “Red Ink” (ink)
  22. Reaper MSP Colors “Pure Black”
  23. Vallejo Mecha Color “Metallic Blue”
  24. Army Painter “Speed Paint – Hardened Leather 1.0”
  25. Army Painter “Warpaints – Shining Silver”
  26. Army Painter “Speed Paint – Pallid Bone 1.0”
  27. Army Painter “Speed Paint Medium 1.0”
  28. Citadel “Contrast Paint – Striking Scorpion Green”
  29. Vallejo Mecha Color “Green Fluorescent”
  30. Vallejo Model Color “Dark Sea Grey”
  31. Battlefront “Sherman Drab”
  32. Vallejo “Thinner Medium”
  33. Pendraken 12mm dice frame
  34. Army Painter “Battlefields Field Grass” (flocking)
  35. Vallejo Mecha Varnish “Gloss Varnish”
  36. Vallejo Mecha Varnish “Matte Varnish”
  37. Gamers Grass “Yellow Flowes” (flocking)
  38. Printed Avery label
  39. Army Painter “Battlefields Meadow Flowers” (flocking)
  40. Shadow’s Edge Miniatures “Green Tufts” (flocking)
  41. Army Painter “Battlefield Field Grass” (flocking)
  42. Shadow’s Edge Miniatures “6mm Dark Forest Light Blue Tufts” (flocking)
  43. Black Sharpie pen
  44. Brown Sharpie Pen
  45. Winkie Flags from Buck Surdu printed on card stock
  46. Vallejo Game Ink “Black Ink” (ink)

Again, as you may want to check out the Wars of Ozz figures’ range – there are two places to get them (and I make no money from this btw). The game rules and the figures are available from the following two places:

In the US Old Glory has a site – Wars of Ozz Miniatures.

In the UK go to Sally 4th.

Author: Mark A. Morin

This site is where I will discuss stuff that I find interesting and that includes family, friends, golf, gaming, and Boston sports!

16 thoughts on “General Zephaph the Skull Crusher & his Standard Bearer (Wars of Ozz)”

  1. Excellent looking command stand Mark, the general looks suitably imposing and the addition of the standard bearer helps make him stand out all the more, adds to the effect of old medieval combat where they would use flags to signal what units were wanted next.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The ones with the biggest hats are always the toughest and meanest soldiers on the battlefield 😉 He looks great and I love the bright colors you used on these two as well. They’re perfect for Ozz!

    Liked by 1 person

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