Wars of Ozz Games and More at HMGS Fall In!® 2023

The 2023 HMGS Fall In!® was held in Lancaster, PA from November 2-5. I attended and was fortunate to run 2 Wars of Ozz games by myself, plus be a co-GM on 1 with Chris Palmer, play in one run by Dave Wood, and assist Dave in his Wars of Orcs and Dwarves game. All of these were run in the H.A.W.K.’s (Maryland’s Harford Area Weekly Kriegspielers) room. As always, I am appreciative of their adoption of a wandering New Englander like myself!

So, how am I to post all of the photos and links related to my experiences at the convention – given that the convention was spread out all over the convention center? This is especially challenging as I was pretty much lucky to find any time to hit the vendor’s hall, let alone be an effective photographer. I have decided to break out these photo sections and video links by game and by category. I hope it makes more sense this way. Just enjoy the eye candy – and I thank all who played in my games, collaborated with me, or helped me in any way. Special thanks go out to Chris Palmer, Dave Wood, Russ Dunaway, Buck Surdu, and all of the H.A.W.K.’s. So, let’s start!

I arrived on Thursday afternoon after a 6-hour drive. I set up my game on Thursday night. On Friday morning, I ran my Wars of Ozz “Battle for Toto” scenario – the first iteration of two. Sign up was light, so I needed to play the Munchkin defenders as well as GM.

Thursday night set up – Chris Palmer surveys my tabletop with a lot of the Guru terrain incorporated into it.
The game flyer.

Friday Morning – The Battle for Toto

Bruce (Gillikin commander), Allen (Winkie commander), and Peter (Harvest commander) at the start. I acted as the Munchkin commander.
Winkies and Harvest move up towards the Munchkin defenses.
On the defender’s left, the Gillikin’s ally, the Great Menacing Hammerheads, breach a fenceline for a following light battery. In the rules, the Hammerheads don’t have that ability – but as a GM and former combat engineer, I had to give them to ability to destroy a fence. I mean, their heads are…hammers…
The two “bad guys” advance – and at this point are collaborating against the Munchkins.
Allen ponders his next move for his Winkies – can he trust the Gillikins not to stab him in the flank? In the event, he became the stabber!
Bruce, not trusting the Winkies – turns his Gillikin longbowmen to face the Winkies…he said it was to make deployment room, but the Winkies felt threatened…
No fighting between the bad guys yet – the advances continue.
I GM the game. Photo from Chris Palmer
Another shot from Chris Palmer as I GM.
Allen moves against the Winkies Lesser Apes with his Gillikin Goat Rider Cavalry. Photo by Chris Palmer.
Colonel Tik-Tok faces an assaulting group of Carrot Creatures. Photo by Chris Palmer.
The Carrot Creatures are held at bay, while the Munchkin Light Cavalry is disordered and routs from the field of battle. Photo by Chris Palmer.
The two attackers turn on each other as the trust is over – or the need for victory points drove them to it! Gillikins and Winkies turn on each other along their flanks – and the Munchkins feel a sense of relief watching their enemies fight each other and not them.
Not involved in the Winkie scrum – the Gillikin Beast Brigade (Dire Wolves, Dire Lions, Dire Tigers, and Dire Bears) move up to assault the Munckin Guard on their left so as to try to get into the town and search for Toto.
Gillikin artillery and musketry begin to take a toll on the Munchkin Guard, who nevertheless hold as the Beast Brigade tries to get to the town.
The scene at the end of the game. Toto remained safely in the town controlled by the Munchkins.
The scorecard I used for the Friday morning game – Munchkins win!

Then, on Friday afternoon, I got a chance to get to the vendor hall – and I was excited because Russ Dunaway had previously asked me for some photos of my Great Pumpkinhead models. I took a few in my photo booth – and he used them for T-shirts! When you have a t-shirt with one of your own favorite painted minis, well, that’s a no-brainer – got to get some! Russ did gift me with some as well – thanks Russ! They are available for purchase on the Wars of Ozz miniatures web site as well.

My Great Pumpkinhead life-size and his bigger image on my T-shirt!
A fashion trend! Chris Palmer, Dave Wood, and myself, sporting the latest haute Ozz couture…

For Friday night, Chris Palmer and I combined forces (and figures) for a massive 8-player game of the Wars of Ozz. I acted as a player and a co-GM with Chris. Chris made some excellent posts on the Wars of Ozz Facebook page (CHECK IT OUT!) on this game – and with his permission I’ll share the photos and his descriptions of the game that he posted in the next section:

Saturday Night – A Wars of Ozz scenario – “The Vegetables are Revolting” – photos and write up by Chris Palmer

A birds eye view from the Munchkin Balloon gives us an overview of the table before the game began.
Quadling troops linger around one of the Sweetie Carts at the game’s start.
Harvest troops charge forward into the Munchkin right flank.
Great Pumpkinheads prepare to march through a mushroom patch to get at the enemy.
Another shot of the action on the left wing of the Harvest attack.
On the defenders’ left flank The Quadlings quickly deploy into line to meet the oncoming enemy; as the Munchkins in the center take up a position on a nearby hill.
Munchkin Light Cavalry bravely charge at the Great Pumpkinheads.
Meanwhile, in a patch of woods on the defenders’ left, the Quadling Lancers discover a hidden group of Savage Apple Trees.
Quickly forming their banquet tables into a barricade, a unit of Munchkin Landwehr attempts to fight off a charge by some Dire Lions.
Another unit of Great Pumpkinheads charge at some Quadling Infantry.
Assistant Gamemaster Mark Morin, helps two players work through a melee combat.
A view of the battle lines midway through the game.
Munchkin Light Cavalry charges the remnants of a unit of Corn Creatures.

That finished off Friday night. I can’t say enough about this game – so much fun, thanks Chris! My table for Saturday morning’s Battle for Toto was adjacent to this one – so I just brought over the figures that fought in this scenario, and I was ready for Saturday.

Saturday Morning – The Battle for Toto – My Pictures

View from the GM set up side.

I had a full table for Saturday morning – which was excellent!

Professor Nitpick and his Mechanical Tin Axemen and the Munchkin Light Cavalry in reserve behind the main Munchkin defenses.
A view of the game start – lots of terrain, yes? Some from our Aussie buddy Guru!
The attackers move forward – have not fought each other yet.
The attackers – Terry with the 2 Gillikin Brigades, Allen with the Winkie Brigade, and Geoff with the Harvest Brigade. Photo by Chris Palmer.
Here you can see my Munchkin players – one on the right with his daughter and Mark and Charlie on the left. Photo by Chris Palmer.
I brief the scenario. Photo by Chris Palmer.
Gillikin forces. Photo by Chris Palmer.
The dad (sorry that I forgot your names) and his daughter on the Munchkin side discuss strategy. Geoff prepares for war. Photo by Chris Palmer.
Allen came back for a second try with the Winkies – while Geoff took over the Harvest Brigade in this game. I had two Munchkin players.
I remove a fence section after the Great Menacing Hammerheads breach it. Photo by Chris Palmer.
Harvest forces menace the Munchkin Medium Battery – supported by the Light Cavalry. Meanwhile, the Winkies deploy into line to hit Colonel Tik Tok’s infantry.
The Corn Creatures make a devastating melee attack and overrun the Munchkin artillery and send them running for home.
As the Corn Creatures overrun The Munchkin battery, Harvest tries to get to the the town.
Mark and Charlie hold off the attackers as I assist the gamers. Photo by Chris Palmer.
Mid-game action. Photo by Chris Palmer.
Professor Nitpick moves up to support the Munchkins against the Gillikin assault. Photo by Chris Palmer.
Savage Apple Trees show up unexpectedly in the Munchkin rear! They were too slow to affect the battle though.
The Munchkin Guard loses discipline and abandons their wall for a charge at the Gillikin infantry. The Munchkin Aerostat provides covering fire, but the Winkies and the Gillikins are at the town – and the Gillikin Bears would seize Toto. The ballon would then fire at them, and they would run away. Still, the Dire Tigers would refind Toto and take possession of the little dog.
While the Gillikins did get Toto for 10 points, they were light on taking out enemy as casualties. The Winkies/Harvest did take out a lot of Munchkins, but took just one Gillikin base. The Munchkins were victorious having made their enemies pay with 23 base losses. Had the game continued (time ran out) I believe that the game could have gone in any direction.

Thanks so much to all of the players. Mark and Charlie from Mark’s Game Room did play in this game as you see from the pictures. They also did a wonderful video recap of the ENTIRE convention (with a minor mention of this game at 8:48). Well worth a view – and a subscribe – CHECK IT OUT!:


Saturday Afternoon – Dave Wood’s Wars Of Ozz Game: Munchkins and Winkies

After a quick break, it was time for a Saturday afternoon game with Dave Wood – anothe Ozz game! I did not get many pictures, but here is one (yes just one):

I played on the defending Harvest side – and we on the Munchkin side achieved a minor victory over the attacking Winkies, Impkins and Gillikins. Dave did a nice job with 8 players!

Saturday Night – Dave Wood’s Wars of Orcs and Dwarves Game: The Elves against the army of the Professor of Post-Mortem Communications (formerly called the Necromancer)

Glad Dave chose a short scenario title for a meeting engagement! Anyways, I was not able to initially play in this game as it was sold out. So, I helped him out as an assistant GM until late in the game when one of the Elven players left. It was a narrow bad guys victory – and to my teammates mea culpa as my unnecessary attacks cost us the one base loss. Hey, it was late!

View of the game tabletop as Dave briefs the scenario.
Mid-game action.
Warg cavalry (old Ral Partha I think) facing Ratlings with crossbows.

I wish I took more photos – but I did not. Anyways, that’s the wrap for me on HMGS Fall In!® 2023. For me, it’s wargame season again as golf opprotunities have dwindled. Thanks so much to HMGS for a great convention!

For all of my previous posts on Wars of Ozz games, figures, units, and other related projects – please see this page.

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